Thursday, June 14, 2012


This was an in-class assignment. We focused on poetry and had to first write Haikus and then write poems of a different style.  


Haikus – silent and
Dumb, however, not my joy
Write like this? Never

Explosions supreme
Hot fireballs of red death
Big city is no more

Cat stuck in high tree
Chainsaw’s fire is ignited
Both cat and tree down

Galaxy map wrong
Lost. Black hole up ahead there
Shortcut to nowhere

Frog stalking high prey
Sticky tongue fires to catch
Missed! Hits speeding truck

Las Vegas: Gamble city
High stakes poker, can’t lose now
Power outage. Crap…

There once was a teacher named Shane
Whose poetry assignments were insane
The class all rebelled
And said with a yell,
“Not on the threat of pain!”

So Shane resolved to fight back
With an ax he prepared to attack
He slashed them in twain
Then did it again
And warned them to pick up the slack

So the students glumly wrote down
All the poems that they then found
They were somber and morose
While Shane ate his toast
And he published them all over town

There once was a man from Utah
Who thought him the quickest of draw
He threatened another
When they killed his brother
So he shot down him and his pa

Then a lady came into town
A purdiest sight ne’er was found
He courted her for a while
Even made her smile
But shot him when he stopped comin’ round

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