Thursday, June 14, 2012

Character Sheet

For this assignment, we had to create a character sheet with as much information, that we would use later in our story workshops. 

Name: Shadow (Shadriche Owue)
Role: Hero (Final Victor in The Tournament)
Occupation: Rogue archeologist.
Conscious Goal: To reclaim his reputation and doctorate in his archeological society/group. To prove he is what he claims.
Personal Motivation: To reclaim his pride and make his nemesis, Dr. Beige, eat his words.
Inner Need: To gain the quiet, social respect of a romantic other who can respect him despite his professional standing.
Flaw Blocking Need: He prefers to not become emotionally attached to any person or situation. He prefers to attack a situation from an intellectual, or reasoned, direction.
Backstory: In his fledgling years, his mentor, Dr. Darkshade, had another apprentice, Beige. Dr. Darkshade took more of an interest in the young Shad because he was more willing to do the work while Beige focused on studies in the library. During one adventure, Dr. Darkshade became mortally ill. Both Dr. Beige and Dr. Shad Owue were in the race to gain their teacher’s museum. He made them a deal: find him a cure, which he believed was deep in the Madegascar jungle. The one who returned with the cure would get the museum. In the end, Dr. Beige stole the cure from Shadow after he’d discovered it and sabotaged his efforts to disprove his claims and make his a laughing stock in their community. Dr. Beige actually kept the cure from Dr. Darkshade, who passed away from his disease. Because Shadow never returned Beige gained everything Darkshade left behind. Shadow has vowed to not return until he can find a true archeological find to prove his worth and defeat Dr. Beige.
Dominant, Core Trait: Although uncaring from an emotional view, he is generally a nice guy. He understands that there comes a point where he is not going to force anyone to do anything so he’ll give up at that point and pursue his own goals. But if there is a problem that falls into his chill mindframe and goals he will become involved to the end.
Other traits: He always wears black in very thick layers. Playing off of his nickname he always wears black, including slacks, long-sleeved shirt, belt, gun belt, leather jacket, leather vest, overcoat, hat, gloves, boots, and socks. If anyone were to ask him why or if he is too hot he would change the subject. The wardrobe-all-at-once is actually intended for functionality; the layers protect him from most of the elements and fist fights.
Imperfections/Quirks: He has a thing for blondes and will pretty much only give the time of day to a blonde. Although he likes blondes he’s too embarrassed or focused to pursue a relationship with them.
He also likes to watch people from a distance. Not only to size them up but to see how they react to situations. As a scientist, it’s part of him being a loner: everyone else is a test subject. It’s also why he has a hard time committing emotionally to anyone or anything. He can’t be seen socializing with his own test subjects.
Because of his banishment from his social group he does not personally feel that he has any right to his doctorate/degree and will become unhinged  if he is called by his proper title. He will remain so until he feels he is able to prove his worth and regain his pride.
However, from a previous adventurous experience he set off a physiological trap set by the local natives that set in his brain a subconscious/hypnotic state that he will set himself up for failure. As such, he will never find what he is looking for until he accepts what he needs, which is the emotional relationship to others.
Skills/Knowledge: Too many to list. But his most powerful hand-fighting technique is a killer-uppercut that will send the attacker flying through the air.
Point of View/Attitudes: Calm, chill, not easily provoked. Logical, intelligent, detached from others and prefers to be a loner unless the associate is a blonde woman.
Dialogue Style: The less words the better, calm and intelligent. If unhinged, he’ll speak even less but unintelligibly while he’s beating you (verbally or physically). 
                  Birthplace/Upbringing: He is half American/half French, which is where his name comes from.
                  Past/Present Home Life: He actually doesn’t have a home, except the museum in France, where he grew up. He lives out of his backpack and/or tent as a wanderer/loner. As such, science has been all he’s known. He chooses to avoid social standards. However, his mom was blonde. That’s why he’s attracted to blondes.
                  Hobbies: Tying knots. He carries a grappling hook as a secondary weapon to his sidearm so the more ways he can make the most of it and use it to his advantage the better. It also takes his mind off of whatever it is he is worrying about.
                  Work History: Was apprenticed to Dr. Darkshade at a young age and he’s been with him ever since. That also means he’s been working ever since.

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