Thursday, June 14, 2012


This was in an in-class assignment. We had to create a short story where the focus was on the character's hands. 

                  Shadow attacks Asho first, throwing a straight punch with his right hand. Asho blocks with his signature move, crossing both hands with his index fingers, pinkies, and thumbs outstretched. As with Asho’s previous opponent, Shadow is tossed back and onto his backside, stunned. Shadow tried to catch himself with both hands but this proved to be a bit less than useless as the jar of the crash reverberated through his spine. Asho remains standing where he is, arms crossed low and holding his hands down and fingers extended. His expression is solemn and grave. Shadow stands back up and shakes his senses back into play. He dusts himself off with his hands, and then dances around Asho but the crazy medicine man does not move. As Shadow dances behind Asho, the medicine man back-kicks him in the chest. The blow tosses Shadow backwards but he mananges to catch himself with his hands before absorbing the majority of the impact. Pushing off with his hands, Shadow quickly back-rolls over his shoulder and to his feet. Rubbing one hand over his stubbly face in contemplation, Shadow watches Asho’s stone-faced expression and wonders. Asho remains fixed in his state as though Shadow were not there.
With a working theory in mind, Shadow retains his attack stance, and flexes his hands back into fists. He dances up to Asho as if he were to attack him. Shadow’s clenched fists rotate through the air as he approaches, pretending to come in for an attack. Asho does not move as Shadow approaches him but then lightly slaps him with an open palm on the face. Sure enough, just as Shadow feels the sharp sting of pain in his palm he also gains the sensation on his cheek.
Feeling he’s gained a suitable result to his test theory, Shadow fights the urge to throw a celebratory fist-pump into the air. Instead, he opens and clenches right fist again. Also excited at Shadow’s find, Master now leans forward to watch, stretching his hands out to grasp the arm rests of his throne. Now all Shadow has to do is put his applied theory into practical practice.

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